I am proud of Pueblo High School and all my life, have had many opportunities to recognize what a good education I got there, and how outstanding my high school was. I think fondly of many classmates and am excited to have found this venue to re-connect.
After U of A, I left Tucson to pursue Dental Hygiene education in Phoenix, where I married Gary R. Nelson in 1974, whom I had met at U of A. He was a computer engineer at the time and has enjoyed a long career in that field, working for companies such as Honeywell, Tandem, Compaq, and Hewlitt-Packard.
We moved to San Francisco in the late 70s, when I was accepted to dental school there, and graduated with my DDS in 1982. We have remained living in the "city proper" ever since, as Silicon Valley was good for my husband's career, and San Francisco was good for my career. I have had my own private practice since graduation, as well as having taught dental school at my alma mater over the years, The University of the Pacific School of Dentistry. I am currently still practicing, and teaching dentistry. My sons are in their mid-late twenties and are a joy in our lives. Gary and I have been married over 40 years.